Term 3 Week 4- August 8th, 2023
From the Principals Desk
Dear Parents and Carers,
On behalf of the staff, I would like to thank you for your support of our pupil free Staff Development Day yesterday. The day was extremely worthwhile. We worked with Lee McMaster, Assistant Director - Improvement and Performance (Catholic Schools Office Lismore), throughout the day analysing school improvement data from our recent NSIT Review, Tell Them From Me surveys, NAPLAN and student performance data. The staff worked through the data to begin the development of our 3 Year School Strategic Plan. Having the opportunity as a whole staff to delve into this data meaningfully and strategically will enable us to develop an improvement plan best suited to our students and context. We will continue to work through our plan over the course of this term and envisage being able to share it with you early term 4.
We wish our Public Speaking representatives all the very best for Thursday when they compete at the Tweed District Catholic Schools Public Speaking Competition, South Tweed Bowls Club, against representatives from 6 other Catholic schools in our region. I will be there cheering them on throughout the day. We wish you well Darcy, Clara, Scarlett, Will, Shelby, Indigo, Ava and Damon!
Student Attendance
We cannot stress enough the importance of regular and consistent attendance at school. Students who have positive and consistent attendance rates enjoy greater success, higher academic attainment, more positive relationships and enjoyment in school. You can support your child with this by avoiding unnecessary absences, late arrivals and early pickups. We have noticed an increase in these types of absences throughout last term and at the beginning of this term. When a child is regularly absent, late or leaves early, they miss vital continuity with their learning, they miss learning concepts all together and anxiety toward school develops and increases.
Attendance rates below 90% are flagged as significant. Where does your child’s attendance rate sit at the moment?
Uniform Policy
Some students may have recently received a ‘uniform note’ to take home. We have been noticing a ‘relaxation’ of the uniform policy by some students of late. It is custom to write your child a note if they are out of uniform, if they do not have this they will be issued an out of uniform note. Please ensure that your child is wearing the correct uniform when attending school. We are not unreasonable if a student has a fair reason for being out of uniform, however just simply wearing the wrong shoes or sports shorts because a child wants to, does not warrant fair reason. Please support your child in maintaining pride in their school by wearing the correct uniform.
"You Can Do It!" Awards
Hyde Jenkins for Persistence and Giving Effort.
Zephyr Walker for Persistence and “I Can Do It” Thinking.
Year 1
JP McGrattan for Getting Along and Showing Tolerance of Others.
Selene Owens for Confidence and Taking a Risk.
Year 2
Bailey Clarkson for Confidence and “I Can Do It” Thinking.
Meadow Chapman for Organisation and Managing my Time.
Year 3
Lorenzo Pahlow for Getting Along and displaying Tolerance of Others.
Allira Smith for displaying Confidence and Taking a Risk.
Year 4
Levi Campbell for Persistence and Giving Effort.
Indigo Cleak for Resilience, Bouncing Back and having a Growth Mindset.
Year 5
Violet Williams for Confidence and Showing I Can Be Independent.
Max Bourke Persistence and Working Tough.
Year 6
Amy Pham for Resilience and Thinking First.
Fynn Bloomfield for Resilience and Thinking First.
Week 3
Harriet Stolvold for Confidence and “I Can Do It” Thinking.
Leo Robinson for Getting Along and Being Socially Responsible
Year 1
Millie Anderson for Persistence and Giving Effort.
Macy Butler-Baker for Organisation and Planning my Time.
Year 2
Eli Casey Persistence and "I Can Do It" Thinking.
Hamish Walsh Confidence and "I Can Do It" Thinking.
Year 3
Peggy Wilkinson for Confidence, Taking a Risk & having a Growth Mindset.
Pippa Bourke for Confidence, Taking a Risk & having a Growth Mindset.
Year 4
Isla Alley for Persistence, Giving effort & having a Growth Mindset.
Frank Ahrens for Confidence, Taking a Risk & having a Growth Mindset.
Year 5
Kobi Buckroyd for Persistence and Working Tough.
Lani Smith for Confidence and “I Can Do It” Thinking.
Year 6
Daniel Hoffman for Persistence and Working Tough.
Asha Pahlow for Getting Along and being Socially Responsible.
Sharing the Gospel
Accendere 2023
Let Your Light Shine
Energy could be felt as you entered the Assembly room today. Our Year Four class, under the guidance of our four Student Disciple Leaders and Mrs Quinn, enjoyed their Accendere Retreat.
Here is more information about the meaning behind the day.
Accendere (Italian) is the beginning of a sequence of student retreats from Year 4 through to Year 12. Accendere means to ‘switch on, kindle to catch fire, light to strike, to produce/spark the flame'.
The theme of the retreat was FRIENDSHIP. The students participated in a variety of activities to explore the concept of friendship and the importance of having healthy relationships. The Accendere program supports students on their faith journey and allowed them to be immersed in a day that focuses on the themes of friendship and Gospel values.
ACCENDERE Families coming soon.
Jesus said: 'I have loved you, so you must love one another. If you have a love for one another, then everyone will know that you are my disciples.’
John 13: 34-35
When Year 6 showed real leadership in the way they worked with Kinder in their celebration of 100 Days of Kinder.
Public Speaking
First Place & Runners–up
Early Stage 1
- Darcy Ahern - First Place
- Clara Polson - Runner-up
Stage 1
- Scarlett Walker - First Place
- Will Polson - Runner-up
Stage 2
- Shelby Walsh - First Place
- Indigo Cleak - Runner-up
Stage 3
- Damon Woodward - First Place
- Ava Bray – Runner-up
These students will progress to the next level at the Tweed Public Speaking Finals on Thursday, 10th August.
We wish them luck!
Thank you to our adjudicators Mrs Deborah Walker, Mrs Ursula Wharton and Mrs Sandra Guthrie.
Curriculum News
~100 Days Celebrations~
Kinder and Year 6 joined forces to celebrate our annual 100 days of school! We have accomplished SO much in our 100 days of being a St Joseph's student and have LOTS of time left to do much more.
Well done for a wonderful 100 days, Kindergarten.
100 Days of School Fun Photos
Crazy Hair day
On Thursday 3rd August, St Joseph's students came to school with hair that was cool, creative and definitely crazy. We were raising money for Cystic Fibrosis Australia. Our very own Poppy Cudmore in Year 1 lives with Cystic Fibrosis. In the week leading up to Crazy Hair Day, students across the school watched a video that explained this condition to them and Poppy visited the classes, answering any questions that they had. She showed such courage for such a young person.
Altogether, the students and staff at St Joseph's raised $275.40 for Cystic Fibrosis Australia.
Thanks to all the students and teachers that participated and donated on the day. Poppy and her family are very grateful for your donations to this great cause!!!
It's not too early to start designing for next year!
Sports News
The Zone Athletics Carnival was held recently at Cudgen with St Joeseph’s sending 39 talented competitors to represent our school. Well done to our amazing Athletics Team:
Girls: Ayla Bourke, Ariella Donaldson, Amelia Bedser, Esther Cambridge, Ella Hunt, Ruby
Carter, Arielle Boutsis, Amira Folkers, Lalyta Brockbank, Violet Williams, Ivy Hunt, Ava Hunt,
Bonnie Lindsay, Indi Asanuma, Ava Bray, Tahan Heterick, Franki Todd, Asha Pahlow, Amy
Pham and Lyla McMahon.
Boys: William Polson, Corey Bray, Kobe Robinson, Xavier Workman, Sam Stovold, Kaeden
Jandura, Misha Reed, Jaxon Mann, Kobi Buckroyd, Archie Anderson, Caleb Bourke, Blake
Stuart, Damon Woodward, Max Bourke, Oskar Buckroyd, Nakoha Heterick, Zac Stuart, Kody
Smith and Taiis Brockbank.
Congratulations to the following 10 competitors who are now progressing on to Diocesan in Coffs Harbour in next week – Tuesday 15 th August. We wish you the best of luck as you
prepare for your upcoming events:
Girls: Ivy Hunt – 1 st Discus, Eadie Workman 3 rd Discus, Violet Williams 3 rd Shot Put.
Boys: Kody Smith – 1 st Shot Put, Blake Stuart – 2 nd Discus, Zac Stuart – 2 nd Discus & 2 nd
Long Jump, Taiis Brockbank – 3 rd Discus & 2 nd Shot Put, Oskar Buckroyd – 2 nd 100m,
Misha Reed – 3 rd 1500m and William Polson – 2 nd 100m.
Our first week of Elective Sport has taken place with Years 3 -6 enjoying the opportunity to work with our amazing coaches in AFL, Circus, Combat and Gym. Kinder, Year 1 and Year 2 are also enjoying their school sport with their AFL sessions. We look forward to the next five weeks as we continue to participate in School Sport with these awesome coaches! Look out for our Combat, Circus and Gym photos in the following newsletter!
For the past two weeks during PE lessons, Year 5 & 6 have been testing out the game of NFL (American Football) with our visiting coach – Jesse Joyce. Students are getting to know the basics so they can participate in this exciting sport when they attend the Stage 3 Gala Day in week 6. We are very grateful to Jesse and NFL Flag for donating the fantastic flag belts and footballs so we can continue to play NFL Flag at school! Year 5 & 6 were invited to try out for the St Joseph’s NFL Flag team last Thursday during lunchtime.
Eleven students have now formed the St Joseph’s team and are practicing for the upcoming NFL Flag gala day which is in week 8 – Friday 8 th September at Arkinstall Park. A very exciting opportunity to learn more about this sport and play against other schools!
Congratulations to the following students who will represent our school in the NFL
Flag gala day:
Blake Stuart, Zilli Hatton, Caleb Bourke, Kody Smith, Ethan Donatini, OskarBuckroyd, Damon Woodward, Daniel Hoffman, Zac Stuart and Fynn Bloomfield.
In just under two week’s time (Thursday 17 th August)
there will be an AFL After School Program commencing on the Mt St Pat’s school oval! It will
run for six weeks – every Thursday from 3.15pm – 4.15pm. Parents may choose to scan
the “Come and try” QR Code to test the first session for free or scan the “Register” QR
Code to pay for the program. It’s a great way to be active after school without committing to
a full season of sport and there is a bus that will take the students from school straight to the
oval! Students in Kinder to Year 3 got to sample some of the fun games last week in PE
when our visiting coach came to show us just how much fun AFL can be.
General News
Library News
~ Book Week ~ Book Fair ~
Canteen News
Delicious chicken tender wraps are available from the canteen!
Plain chicken tender or sweet chilli chicken tender.
You can choose your salad - carrot, cucumber, lettuce and/or cheese.
Only $4
These will fill you up at lunch time!
We urgently need more helpers for our canteen. If we don't get more volunteers we may need to cut a day.
If you can help or know of someone who can spare a few hours on a Wednesday or Friday please, contact the office.
Term 3 school fee charges have now been applied and can be viewed in your Compass app. These fees will be due by 1st September, 2023.
Please contact the office if you have any concerns.
Click on "How to Pay fees on Compass app" below if unsure of how to find your fees and pay.
Parish News
Tuesday 8 August Parish Office Closed
5:30 pm - Mass
Wednesday 9 August No Mass today
Thursday 10 August No Mass today
Friday 11 August 12 noon - Mass
Saturday 12 August 9:00 am - Rosary
5:30 pm - Rosary
6:00 pm - Vigil Mass
Sunday 13 August 8:30 am - Rosary
9:00 am - Mass
Health & Wellbeing
Parent News
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If so, please contact the office on 02 6672 1867