Term 3 Week 8 - September 10th, 2024
From The Principals Desk
"You Can Do It!" Awards
Sharing the Gospel
Curriculum News
Grug Performance
Sports News
Library News
Magic Jake Show
General News
Canteen News
School Fees
Compass Help for Parents
Parish News
Health and Wellbeing
Parent News
School Holiday Vacation Care
Community News
Our Sponsors
From The Principals Desk
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to Week 8 - Book Week here at St Joseph’s! This week's celebration of literacy is always an exciting time! We really kicked the celebrations off last week with the ‘Reading is Magic’ show with Magic Jake. Throughout this week we are looking forward to Wednesday’s character dress up day, visits to the town library and Book Fair. So much organisation has already gone into the events of Book Week, we express our gratitude to Mrs Fraser for her passionate efforts each year to really bring Book Week alive at our school. Good luck with the final preparations for our dress up day tomorrow!
Catholic Schools Week Mass - Year 6
Year 6 had a great day out at Banora Point yesterday at the Annual celebration of Catholic Education in the Tweed Region. All of the Year 6 students from across the region celebrated mass, had a catered lunch and then participated in fun activities led by Year 9 students. It was a very positive day and gave the students an opportunity to meet other students from other schools that they very well just might end up at high school with next year. Our Year 6 students were such a pleasure to take away; fantastic ambassadors of St Joseph’s! Well done Year 6.
We have our Socktober Walkathon approaching fast! I hope all students are working hard to raise much needed funds for those less fortunate than ourselves and also for school resources. We hope family members can join us on the day as well.
Kindergarten and Year 3 Parent Teacher Interviews - Week 9
A reminder to parents and carers of our Kindergarten and Year 3 students that the parent teacher interviews are on next week, times can be booked through Compass.
Pupil Free Staff Development Days
We will be having two Pupil Free Staff Development days on Friday 27th September (last day of term 3) and Monday 14th October (first day of term 4). So, the last day of term for students is Thursday 26th September and the first day of term 4 for the students is Tuesday 28th September.
You can vote here! St Joseph’s is a Polling Booth this Saturday - we have a cake stall and all!
Have a great week! Hope to see everyone throughout the final weeks of term at one of our many events and happenings.
Peace and blessings,
Jason Clarke
"You Can Do It!" Awards
WEEK 6 - Term 3
Taj Arane for Persistence and “I Can Do It” Thinking.
Daisy Skennar for Persistence and “I Can Do It” Thinking.
Year 1
Leon Varghese Vipin Confidence and “I Can Do It” Thinking.
Jacob Hoffman Getting Along and Social Responsibility.
Year 2
Mila Kendal for Confidence and “I Can Do It” Thinking.
Olivia Skarpona for Persistence and “I Can Do It” Thinking.
Year 3
Beau Clarkson for Persistence and Working Tough.
Ayla Bourke for Persistence and Giving Effort.
Year 4
Ella Hunt for Getting Along & Playing By The Rules.
Sam Stovold for Persistence, Giving Effort and for having a Growth Mindset.
Year 5
Isla Alley for Persistence and Giving Effort.
William Hoffman for Organisation and Planning My Time.
Year 6
Declan Behan for Confidence and showing he can Work Independently.
Ivy Hunt for Persistence and Working Tough.
Week 7 - Term 3
Bobbi-Olive Baartz for Organisation and Setting Goals.
Henry Glasby for Confidence, Persistence and Giving Effort
Year 1
Darcy Wilkinson for Getting Along and Being Socially Responsible
Clara Polson for Confidence and Showing I can be Independent
Year 2
Frank Wilkinson for Confidence and Taking A Risk.
Lilly Dryhurst-Evans for Persistence and “I Can Do It” Thinking.
Year 3
Kobe Robinson for Getting Along and Being Socially Responsible.
Sierra Casagrande for Confidence, Persistence and Giving Effort.
Year 4
Shelby Walsh for Organisation, Setting Goals and having a Growth Mindset.
Peggy Wilkinson for Organisation, Planning My Time Wisely and having a
Growth Mindset.
Year 5
Yasmin White for displaying Persistence and “I Can Do It” Thinking.
Amira Folkers for Organisation and Giving Effort.
Year 6
Emily Pham for Organisation, Setting Goals and Planning My Time.
Holly Dorahy for Persistence, Giving Effort and Working Tough.
Sharing the Gospel
Year 4 Co-created Liturgy
Father's Day Celebrations
When Harry was taking care of our new year 1 student Leon on the bus. It was Leon's first day at our school and he was to catch a bus, but he didn't know which bus. Leon stated over "I don't know my address". When a teacher asked Harry to help, Leon put his trust in Harry's smiling and welcoming face.
Congratulations to all our students who have recently received the Sacrament of Confirmation - Michaella, Allira, Kobe, Zander, Carter, Milania, Meadow, Beau, Eli and Bailey.
This significant milestone marks a deepening of your faith journey and your commitment to living out the values of our Sacred Heart Parish community. Your dedication, hard work, and spiritual growth have come together in this beautiful sacrament, and we are incredibly proud of each one of you. May the Holy Spirit continue to guide and inspire you as you embrace your new role as active and engaged members of our faith community. We celebrate this joyous occasion with you and look forward to witnessing the many ways you will continue to shine brightly in your faith and in our world.
Curriculum News
Write On Writing Competition
The three students representing St Joseph's in the NSW Writing Competition this year are Clara Polson, Will Polson and Ivy Hunt. They have written a short creative story in response to this picture. In each newsletter, you will be able to hear the children read their creative stories by scanning the QR code.
This week, Clara Polson from Year 1 is reading her short story, "Kind Mary". I am sure you will be impressed with the maturity of her writing.
Grug Performance
Kinder and Stage 1’s Excursion to Grug!
On Thursday, ES1 and S1 made their way to the Civic Centre to watch a production of Grug. The children had the MOST fun, where they learnt the Grug dance and watch Grug celebrate a birthday party. Many children asked, “can we come back?!” Now, doesn’t that speak volumes about how great this production was? What a wonderful opportunity that we had to watch a great book come to life.
Sports News
Stage 3 Gala Day at Arkinstall Park!
Today, our Stage 3 students headed off to compete in the Stage 3 Gala Day at Arkinstall Park against all our Tweed Diocese schools. We were proud to have a Girls competitive soccer team, Boys competitive soccer team, and a Girls competitive netball team representing us. Our non-competitive students also had a blast socialising with other schools and participating in fun games like AFL, Tennis, and Netball.
A massive shout-out to Josiah for coaching our Boys soccer team and even giving up time after school to train them. The team improved with each game, with Nakoha scoring their only goal and standout defensive efforts by Declan and Blake in goal. We're incredibly proud of all our boys for playing under such hot conditions and showing fantastic sportsmanship!
Another huge thank you to Leanne for coaching our Girls netball team and for her dedication in helping train them. The girls played with incredible teamwork and perseverance, even securing a win! They showed strong attack and defense in every game, and we couldn't be prouder!
A special shout-out as well to Sam and Loz for coaching our Girls soccer team and sacrificing their free time to train them. Many of the girls hadn't played soccer together before, but they quickly gelled as a team and improved with each game. A big congrats to Violet, who played goalie most of the day, and to Zoe for stepping in at the last minute. You all did an amazing job, keeping the energy and positivity alive throughout!
We had a fantastic day, and it’s moments like these that remind us how fortunate we are to participate in such events in our community. The kids had an amazing time, and it was wonderful to see them outside the classroom, playing in teams and having fun.
A big thank you to Miss Daly for all your help with our teams and the organisation of this wonderful day!
Gala Day
Library News
CONGRATULATIONS to the winners of our Art Competition.
1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize
$15 Book Fair Voucher $10 Book Fair Voucher $5 Book Fair Poster
Tao Heterick James Polson Jett Everton
Bella Moore Joseph Hunt Jayli Walsh
Fynn Holliday Millie Anderson Tate Bannister
Meadow Chapman William Polson Ariella Donaldson
Daisy Westwood Amelia Bedser Allira Smith
Bonnie Lindsay Ace Colleton Misha Reed
Amelia Alley Ivy Hunt Bella Higgins
Bring your voucher in to the Book Fair to use as money.
Thank you to our Art Teachers Mrs Larkin and Mrs Glasby for transforming our students into budding artists. Be sure to view their art in our library.
Art Work based on this years Short-listed books.
Magic Jake Show
Last Wednesday, our whole school were thrilled to enjoy an amazing Magic Show by Magic Jake! He wowed us with incredible tricks like magic wands, enchanted books, disappearing ribbons, floating tables, and even a hilarious "cutting a student in half" illusion. Such a fun experience!
Thank you Magic Jake, you were Spellbinding!
Next week, we’re excited to celebrate Book Week with this year’s theme: "Reading is Magic." It’s a wonderful opportunity to honor the extraordinary power of stories to transport minds and spark curiosity about the wonders of our world. Let’s discover books that ignite conversations and curiosity, as their language and illustrations magically transport young readers into whole new worlds.
We want to thank Mrs Fraser for all her hard work in organising the Magic Show and our Book Week, including our Parade and Book Fair happening next week. We are appreciative of all you do!
Magic Jake's incredible show!
General News
Blue goggles dropped at pick-up / drop-off area. If they are yours, please call into the office to collect.
We have also had an air-tag handed in to the school.
Canteen News
School Fees
Term 3 fees have been issued on Compass and are due by the end of Week 9. If you have any fees queries, please feel free to contact Jacinda in the office.
Thank you!
Compass Help for Parents
Parish News
Tuesday 10 September 5:30 pm - Mass
Wednesday 11 September 5:30 pm - Mass
Thursday 12 September 8:15 am - Mass
Friday 13 September 9:30 am - Legion of Mary | Parish Meeting Centre
There is No Exposition today
12 noon - Mass with Fr Anthony
Saturday 14 September 9:00 am - Rosary
5:30 PM - ROSARY
6:00 PM - VIGIL MASS | Please note time
Sunday 15 September 8:30 am - Rosary
9:00 am - Mass
10:15 am - Baptism