Child Safeguarding Statement

The Diocese of Lismore Catholic Schools (DLCS) is wholly committed to the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.
As school communities and as individuals, we commit to fostering communities of safeguarding that recognise and uphold the dignity and rights of all children and young people. Our commitment is drawn from the teaching and mission of Jesus Christ, in love and justice, whereby the dignity and sacredness of each child is respected.
The DLCS is committed to:
- a zero tolerance to the abuse of children and young people
- a culture of openness that supports the safe disclosure of risks of harm to children and young people
- involve families and carers for input and provide open and transparent information sharing
- appropriately vetting and engaging the most suitable people to work with children
- implementing current safeguarding procedures and practices underpinned by legislation, to maintain safe and supportive physical and online environments
- listening to the voices of children and young people as we constantly strive to remain alert and make improvements
- providing continuous training and education to our staff, volunteers and partners
- adequately resourcing our child safeguarding responsibilities
- responding sensitively, respectfully and in a timely manner, to those who bring forward a suspicion, concern, knowledge or allegation of abuse of a child or young person, in line with our lawful obligations and our Child Safeguarding Policy.
Our commitment to ensure a child safe environment and culture within our schools will continue to remain at the centre of our thinking and action. Our hope is for each child and young person entrusted to our care to experience the ‘fullness of life’ (DLCS mission) and we understand the essential role that safety and wellbeing play in achieving this vision.
For more information or to raise a concern, please visit the Diocese of Lismore Catholic Schools Child Safeguarding website or to raise a concern, please contact here.