Junior Joey’s

Junior Joey’s is a welcoming program that transitions our pre-kinder students. The program runs on Fridays during Term 4.
The students will meet their Kinder teacher/s and Year 6 buddies as they prepare to complete their transition program.
The goals of the program include:
- Developing early literacy skills through sharing quality picture books, discussion, play-based learning activities and pre-writing activities.
- Developing early numeracy skills, especially one-to-one correspondence in counting through play-based games.
- Building and developing fine motor skills such as pencil grip, cutting and manipulating objects and gross motor skills such as hopping, skipping, jumping, throwing and catching.
- Supporting students to be ready for school through developing listening skills, the ability to express their needs and feelings in appropriate ways, developing play skills, building stamina for learning and getting to know the school and our rules.
- Supporting students in their faith journey through a mini retreat, song and prayer.
- Building relationships with their new peers, teachers and awareness of the school environment so that an established support system is already in place prior to beginning school.
- Developing an understanding of what it means to be a St Joseph’s student following our school motto: Trust in God, Pride in Self and Dignity of All.