School Fees

  • At St Joseph's, families are charged a fixed tuition fee for the first child attending our school with a 25% discount for the second child, a 50% discount for the third child and a total fee discount for the fourth and subsequent children.
  • Fees are charged at the beginning of each school year.
  • Fee payment intervals are weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually.

School Fees 2025

Tuition Fee per year Total Fees per year, including annual levies and Maintenance Fee listed below
One Child -       $1520 ($380 per term) $2264
Two Children -   $2660 ($665 per term) $3756
Three Children - $3340 ($835 per term) $4788
Four Children -   $3340 ($835 per term) $5220

Resource Levy $208 per child per year

Curriculum Levy $144 per child per year

Facilities and Maintenance Fee $392 per family per year

(unless an older child in the family is attending Mount St Patrick College, then the fee will be charged at the College.)

NB: The above fees do not include the cost of extra excursions, field trips and sports fees.