
The wearing of the full, correct school uniform is expected.
- Green check blouse with trim
- Cresaron embroidered green culottes
- Optional: Green stockings or bottle-green tracksuit pants
- Zip front fleece Green Jacket
- V-neck bottle green vest
- Black leather shoes (or lookalike)
- Ankle-length white socks or Ankle-length grey socks
- Grey shorts (Stubbies)
- Emerald green shirt
- Optional: Long grey trousers or bottle green tracksuit pants
- Zip front fleece Green Jacket
- V-neck bottle green vest
- Black leather shoes (or lookalike)
- Ankle-length grey socks
Sport Girls
- Black shorts (embroidered)
- Green/Gold Polo Style Shirt
- Sandshoes or joggers
- White socks
- Hat: Bottle green legionnaire
Sport Boys
- Black shorts (embroidered)
- Green/Gold Polo Style Shirt
- Sandshoes or joggers
- White socks
- Hat: Bottle green legionnaire
Hats are available at the school. Wearing hats on the playground is compulsory.
All school emblems are embroidered.
Uniforms are available from the school. Please see the administration for uniform order forms, purchasing and collection. We do have a uniform pool at the school - some second-hand items are available.
- Long hair must be tied back, neat and off the face.
- Girls are permitted to wear green, white, black or yellow ribbons, combs and so on in their hair.
- Extremes in style (e.g. Mohawks, rats tails) and cut or dyed hair are unacceptable.
- Hair should be above the eyebrows and above the collar at the back, or it must be tied back.
- Permitted Jewellery includes:
- Plain sleepers/studs (one pair in the lower lobe of each ear only).
- Watches.
- Fine chain necklaces with a religious symbol.
- Costume or fashion jewellery and makeup or nail polish are not permitted.
- Necklaces are to be removed for sporting activities.