Vision, Values, Purpose

Trust In God, Pride In Self, Dignity Of All
At St Joseph’s, we believe our motto holds true, where every human life is sacred and the dignity of the human person is the foundation of our intrinsic worth. We trust that God is our compass, keeping us on the right path.
‘As a community, we have an obligation to ensure that every person lives with dignity and has sufficient opportunities for his or her integral development.’ (Pope Francis, Brothers and Sisters to Us [Fratelli Tutti], no. 118)
Enabling our students to experience the fullness of life (John 10:10).
St Joseph’s Primary School is a student-centred community inspired by Jesus, where all are known, loved, and celebrated.
Our St Joseph’s community work in partnership to embody a Catholic environment that aims to:
- Create a joy-filled environment enriched by Gospel values and Catholic traditions
- Generate a sense of community and compassion where we all experience belonging
- Energise students with quality learning and teaching experiences
- Inspire, support, and empower others to fulfill their potential
- Personify gratitude and act for social justice by building awareness and empowering students to take action
- Engage families to be active participants in the culture and community of school life
- Celebrate the diversity of ability, background, and culture.
At St Joseph’s, we actively promote the values of:
- Faith in action
- Respect - self, others, learning & environment
- Inclusiveness - a sense of belonging
- Resilience
- Citizenship